Acheter The Sims 3: Dragon Valley Standard Edition - OriginThe Sims 3: Dragon Valley Standard Edition - Origin

The Sims 3: Dragon Valley Standard Edition cd key
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  • August 6th, 2013 Electronic Arts
    Genre Aventure, RPG
    Multijoueur Yes
    Date de sortie August 6th, 2013
    Éditeur Electronic Arts
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    110.45 OutOfStock
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    Récoltez 9 gemmes avec ce produit
    Order now and get the Celtic Lands bonus for free. Welcome to Dragon Valley, a land of myth and fantasy. It's been years since any adult dragons have terrorized this peaceful town but it's not yet time to rest. The elven Sims of Dragon Valley are working to ensure that their military is up to par, their citizens are prepared for disaster, and that the scientific techniques they've used to keep the dragonlings small stay intact. The skies may be clear for now, but beneath the surface a conflict is brewing between the Mithrilen and O'Connell families for control of town. It's tradition vs. progress; on which side will you stand? ...

    Ceci est un contenu téléchargeable

    Ce jeu est une extension/un contenu téléchargeable. Vous aurez besoin du The Sims 3 produit de base.

    Order now and get the Celtic Lands bonus for free.

    Welcome to Dragon Valley, a land of myth and fantasy. It's been years since any adult dragons have terrorized this peaceful town but it's not yet time to rest. The elven Sims of Dragon Valley are working to ensure that their military is up to par, their citizens are prepared for disaster, and that the scientific techniques they've used to keep the dragonlings small stay intact. The skies may be clear for now, but beneath the surface a conflict is brewing between the Mithrilen and O'Connell families for control of town. It's tradition vs. progress; on which side will you stand?

    sims 3 dragon valley standard

    Multijoueur: yes
    Plateforme: PC
    Éditeur: Electronic Arts
    Langues: Langues multiples
    Site Web: Cliquez ici
    Date de sortie: August 6th, 2013
    Configuration requise: Here
    Langues du jeu
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