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  • 07 Desember 2022 Kasedo Games
    Sjanger Strategi, Diverse
    Multiplayer No
    Utgivelsesdato 07 Desember 2022
    Utgiver Kasedo Games
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    116.08 InStock
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    Samle 9 Edelstener med dette produktet
    IXION combines city building, survival elements and exploration, into a thrilling space opera as you explore the stars. Propelled onwards through a perilous journey, you are the Administrator of the Tiqqun space station, charged with finding a new home for humanity.Keeping the station sound and flying will require a deft hand and strategic thinking, as you are constantly pulled between maintaining hull integrity, bringing in new resources and managing power consumption.What choices will you make when confronted with impending disaster? What will you discover out there in the dark?A population to manage, survivors to find, cryopods to recover... Maintain your crew's trust in the corporation that started this venture, or face failure and mutiny. Six sectors can be unlocked within the station, each able to house more population, support new jobs, and provide opportunity to monitor the crew with the Data Listening System. Will you bring hope to the people?Who said DOLOS was the only...

    IXION combines city building, survival elements and exploration, into a thrilling space opera as you explore the stars. Propelled onwards through a perilous journey, you are the Administrator of the Tiqqun space station, charged with finding a new home for humanity.

    Keeping the station sound and flying will require a deft hand and strategic thinking, as you are constantly pulled between maintaining hull integrity, bringing in new resources and managing power consumption.

    What choices will you make when confronted with impending disaster? What will you discover out there in the dark?

    A population to manage, survivors to find, cryopods to recover... Maintain your crew's trust in the corporation that started this venture, or face failure and mutiny. Six sectors can be unlocked within the station, each able to house more population, support new jobs, and provide opportunity to monitor the crew with the Data Listening System. Will you bring hope to the people?

    Who said DOLOS was the only faction to escape the fate of the Earth? Brush up against other pockets of survivors, navigate on from the failures and wrecks of others… IXION will lead the player through gripping chapters of story, where new threats and opportunities are presented, all in aid of reaching the final destination, a new home.

    DOLOS are famed for their innovative technology, their scientists, but the Tiqqun now finds itself cut off. Find what resources you can, research what you do not have. Find new ways to provide for your settlement, construct new buildings to create what’s needed. Modify the Tiqqun station, improve it, forge ahead in this odyssey.

    Space is a dangerous place. Hull breaches, overloaded power supplies, electrical fires... It is up to you to manage these risks, deal with emergencies, create backup power solutions, and enable Extra Vehicular Activity…

    There are whole new stellar maps to explore. Send out probes to reveal what’s hidden, create mining and cargo ships to find resources, commission science expeditions to discover the secrets and threats you’ll find out there in space. Encounter other survivors and bring them into the fold of your mission, objective - survive.

    Multiplayer: no
    Plattform: PC
    Utgiver: Kasedo Games
    Utgivelsesdato: 07 Desember 2022
    Systemkrav: Here
    English*, German, Spanish - Spain, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Simplified Chinese, French ( * = Full audio support)
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