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RAGE cd key
Metacritic Score
7.9 / 10
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  • 7 Octubre 2011 Bethesda Softworks/ID Software
    Género Acción
    Multijugador Yes
    Fecha de Lanzamiento 7 Octubre 2011
    Publicador Bethesda Softworks/ID Software
    2 Críticas de Usuarios
    4 / 5, by 2 reviews 25.67 InStock
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    RAGE is a groundbreaking first-person shooter set in the not-too-distant future after an asteroid impacts Earth, leaving a ravaged world behind. You emerge into this vast wasteland to discover humanity working to rebuild itself against such forces as bandit gangs, mutants, and the Authority – an oppressive government regime that has a special interest in you in particular. Featuring intense first-person shooter action, breakneck vehicle combat, an expansive world to explore and jaw-dropping graphics powered by id’s revolutionary id Tech 5 technology, RAGE promises an experience like no other. ...

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    RAGE Anarchy Edition
    Plataforma: Game download will be provided by Steam Steam

    RAGE is a groundbreaking first-person shooter set in the not-too-distant future after an asteroid impacts Earth, leaving a ravaged world behind. You emerge into this vast wasteland to discover humanity working to rebuild itself against such forces as bandit gangs, mutants, and the Authority – an oppressive government regime that has a special interest in you in particular. Featuring intense first-person shooter action, breakneck vehicle combat, an expansive world to explore and jaw-dropping graphics powered by id’s revolutionary id Tech 5 technology, RAGE promises an experience like no other.

    Multijugador: yes
    Plataforma: PC
    Publicador: Bethesda Softworks/ID Software
    Idiomas: Varios idiomas
    Sitio web: Hacer clic aquí
    Fecha de Lanzamiento: 7 Octubre 2011
    Requisitos del Sistema: Here
    Idiomas del Juego
    1. El producto se enviará a su correo electrónico
    2. El producto se proporcionará dentro de 5 minutos y hasta 2 horas (Casos raros: hasta 24 horas)
    3. El producto se enviará solo después de que el pago sea verificado y aprobado por nuestro sistema
    4. El producto está disponible para su compra inmediata
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    2 Críticas de Usuarios
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    1 Críticas
    Tuesday Nov 17, 2015 11:32
    Pretty good shooter
    I really enjoyed this game more than I thought I would. I prefer more FPS and less RPG. This was pretty good even with the minimal amount of collecting all kinds of stuff required to upgrade yourself and your weapons and car. At least I didn't have to pick intelligence and karma and strength and charisma and crap like that. I want to battle and shoot! The driving was ok also even though if I wanted a driving game I would get a driving game. There wasn't too much of it , unless you wanted it, then there was plenty, but I just did the minimal needed to get on with the game. Had to do a bit of configuring (like most games now days) to minimize the texture pop-ins and increase FOV and stuff like that, but not really any more than any newer game. From what I read pop-ins have pretty much always been and always will be a problem with this game but it wasn't too bad once I got rid of most of it and I never really noticed it too much or thought about it much after that. It didn't affect my enjoyment of the game. The FPS missions/levels were good with fairly well balanced combat and ways to approach getting the job done. I usually play most games on NORMAL but this game I played on HARD which gave a little more challenge and helped make the game last longer rather than just rushing through. There is a quick save which is great! NO checkpoint crap that you have to make it to or reapeat the whole thing. Overall I would recommend this game.
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    1 Críticas
    Tuesday Aug 11, 2015 15:48
    Great but short
    This game is/was slightly underrated. It has beautiful graphics (sometimes it´s just fun to explore the game world itself) and solid gameplay. The problem is, that the game is very short and seems like unfinished and rushed. Otherwise the game had a lot of potencial.

    - great graphics, even now (game was released in 2011), wonderfull world
    - smooth gameplay and combat, good responsive weapons
    - buggy traveling and racing
    - collectible cards and card minigame

    - very short
    - strange/easy last fight
    - in many cases the game seems unfinished, looks like developers had many other things in plan but then left them behind
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