Kjøp Wargame European Escalation - SteamWargame European Escalation - Steam

Wargame European Escalation cd key
Metacritic Score
8.1 / 10
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  • 23 Feb 2012 Focus Home Interactive
    Sjanger Strategi
    Multiplayer Yes
    Utgivelsesdato 23 Feb 2012
    Utgiver Focus Home Interactive
    Ingen omtaler ennå!
    40.75 InStock
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    Samle 3 Edelstener med dette produktet
    2 sides, 8 nations, and one battlefield: Europe! Wargame: European Escalation is an intense and spectacular Real Time Strategy game, where realism and strategy are brought to the front lines. With a phenomenal range of vehicles and units (over 350 different models), build your army and enter a huge military campaign across Europe of the 80's, as the Cold War is about to become World War 3. With the powerful IRISZOOM ™, Wargame offers breathtaking graphics and battles as spectacular as they are strategic. Prepare to bring hundreds of units of all kinds--tanks, helicopters, squad Infantry, etc.--under your command in intense battles on gigantic maps stretching up to 60 square miles! Online service EugenNet© provides a full multiplayer experience with creation of clans, organizing games, and world rankings where up to 8 players can compete simultaneously in massive battles involving hundreds of units!...

    2 sides, 8 nations, and one battlefield: Europe! Wargame: European Escalation is an intense and spectacular Real Time Strategy game, where realism and strategy are brought to the front lines. With a phenomenal range of vehicles and units (over 350 different models), build your army and enter a huge military campaign across Europe of the 80's, as the Cold War is about to become World War 3. With the powerful IRISZOOM ™, Wargame offers breathtaking graphics and battles as spectacular as they are strategic. Prepare to bring hundreds of units of all kinds--tanks, helicopters, squad Infantry, etc.--under your command in intense battles on gigantic maps stretching up to 60 square miles! Online service EugenNet© provides a full multiplayer experience with creation of clans, organizing games, and world rankings where up to 8 players can compete simultaneously in massive battles involving hundreds of units!

    Multiplayer: yes
    Plattform: PC
    Utgiver: Focus Home Interactive
    Språk: Flerspråklig
    Utgivelsesdato: 23 Feb 2012
    Systemkrav: Here
    English*, French, German, Italian, Spanish * = languages with full audio support
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