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Quantum Conundrum cd key
Metacritic Score
7.7 / 10
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  • 21 Jun 2012 SQUARE ENIX
    Sjanger Diverse
    Multiplayer No
    Utgivelsesdato 21 Jun 2012
    Utgiver SQUARE ENIX
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    51.29 InStock
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    Samle 4 Edelstener med dette produktet
    When you're dropped off to visit your uncle, you notice something's wrong. He's not there to greet you. There was an explosion just as you arrived. And the house seems to be even weirder than you remember. It's up to you to find—and ultimately rescue—your uncle. Use his newest invention, the Interdimensional Shift Device (or IDS), to switch between five different dimensions and solve puzzles. Switch dimensions in real time, work your way through the crazy complex mansion, and rescue your uncle! Key Features: Engaging Puzzle Gameplay: Using the Inter–Dimensional Shift Device, players will shift to and from various dimensions to manipulate the world around them. Experience New Dimensions: Each dimension the player gains access to becomes a valuable asset to manipulate objects around the manor. Move between the Normal, Fluffy, Heavy, Slow-Motion and Reverse Gravity Dimensions on the fly. Immersive, Interactive Environment: The look and feel of each dimension is completely...

    When you're dropped off to visit your uncle, you notice something's wrong. He's not there to greet you. There was an explosion just as you arrived. And the house seems to be even weirder than you remember. It's up to you to find—and ultimately rescue—your uncle. Use his newest invention, the Interdimensional Shift Device (or IDS), to switch between five different dimensions and solve puzzles. Switch dimensions in real time, work your way through the crazy complex mansion, and rescue your uncle!

    Key Features:

    1. Engaging Puzzle Gameplay: Using the Inter–Dimensional Shift Device, players will shift to and from various dimensions to manipulate the world around them.

    2. Experience New Dimensions: Each dimension the player gains access to becomes a valuable asset to manipulate objects around the manor. Move between the Normal, Fluffy, Heavy, Slow-Motion and Reverse Gravity Dimensions on the fly.

    3. Immersive, Interactive Environment: The look and feel of each dimension is completely distinct. When shifting to the Fluffy Dimension, everything in the room becomes a soft and cuddly version of its previous state.

    4. Unique Art Style and Humor: The Professor's manor and all the items within it have a unique style, but players should also be on the lookout for humorous touches scattered throughout.

    Multiplayer: no
    Plattform: PC
    Utgiver: SQUARE ENIX
    Språk: Flerspråklig
    Nettside: Klikk her
    Utgivelsesdato: 21 Jun 2012
    Systemkrav: Here
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